- Library is a place where abundance of knowledge is available and accessible for all. The college library is a huge room which can accommodate more than 50 students at a time. It is a place of knowledge with more than 12000 books and various different journals. The library also has magazines, daily newspapers in English as well as vernacular languages.
- College is having two different libraries, one for commerce and management department and the other for nursing department.
- The college library is having SOUL (Software for University Libraries), an integrated user-friendly library management software works with client-server environment, designed by INFLIBNET center. SOUL supports cataloguing of electronic resources such as e-journals, e-books etc.
- The college library is having 10 desktop systems with internet facility.
- The library provides facility to students and staff to use various resources of library. The library has also made the provision for students to read newspapers so that they can remain updated about the current world scenario.
- Students have to produce valid college id-card at the time of issue of books from the library.
- Library books are issued for seven days only. Overdue books will be liable for fine of Rs. 5/- per day.
- 7:30 am - 5:30 am (Monday to Thursday)
- 7:30 am – 5:00 am (Friday)
- 8:30 am – 1:00 pm (Sunday and Holiday)
- Saturday Closed
Rules and Regulations / General Discipline:
- College library has restricted access and confined to bonafide students, teachers and staff.
- Students are not allowed to bring bags, briefcases, or other personal belongings into the library.
- The library must not be used for any purpose other than reading or referring books, periodicals or any other library material.